Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post! To start this blog post, we're gonna do a little something different. I'm gonna start by talking about myself a little bit. I'm a athletic, very competitive, smart (not all the time), funny, lovable type of person. I also get mad pretty easily and when I'm mad, I work harder. For example, when someone scores a goal on my team, I get mad and I try my hardest to score a goal. I have a lot of imperfections that are humorous and maybe even relatable. One of my imperfections are that I wake up too late. I'm late everywhere I go (most of the times). And finally, I'm somewhat of a hypocrite. This means I tell people what to do when I'm not doing it. Now that I cleared that out of the way let's start getting to the juicy stuff.
So I just started school again from spring break and you wanna know another thing we started (other that school)? A NEW (small) PROJECT FOR GT!!! We are working on an animation GIF. We are making this project mainly to tell people about ourselves. This project is mainly about ourselves because we will be showing the audience our what type of person we are or showing what character traits we have by showing them a exaggerated animation of what type of person we are. The type of exaggerations I'm planning on doing is doing a really sick, hardcore dab. Learn about how I did it in the next paragraph
I plan to do the dab with this tool in photoshop called the puppet warp tool. This is a photoshop tool used to control or manipulate an object by placing different pins and anchor points. Once I place the pins, I move the pins to where I want it to go. Too make it look like I'm moving, I need to slightly move the pins and make a new frame in the animation workspace. Once you do that, you just move it again slightly and create a new frame. Repeat the process and you'll be done in no time. I somewhat like my work because I made myself do what I wanted to do but I just feel like I can do better. I could've done better by making the movements more detailed. Well that's all I have for this week's blogpost and I'll see you in the next one!
I plan to do the dab with this tool in photoshop called the puppet warp tool. This is a photoshop tool used to control or manipulate an object by placing different pins and anchor points. Once I place the pins, I move the pins to where I want it to go. Too make it look like I'm moving, I need to slightly move the pins and make a new frame in the animation workspace. Once you do that, you just move it again slightly and create a new frame. Repeat the process and you'll be done in no time. I somewhat like my work because I made myself do what I wanted to do but I just feel like I can do better. I could've done better by making the movements more detailed. Well that's all I have for this week's blogpost and I'll see you in the next one!