Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Animation Story

If you don't already know that I'm doing a project, I already told you in my "Animation Outtakes" blog post. I also told you that we were doing "Asha Moves Away" and why we are doing it. Our title/focus statement is "Asha Moves Away". The focus statement tells "Lani's story" because Asha is Lani's friend. Asha, in the film, moves away. If it is hard to tell if we are telling Asha's story our Lani's story, I don't blame you. Lani was such good friends with her friend (her real life friend) that they shared a bond.

The audience will learn that when you love something, you must set it free and that you need to make new friends even when your best friend has left. The audience will learn this lesson because our team thought it would be easy for the audience to understand this topic (but not entirely). They are probably going to figure it out the lesson by knowing that Lani and Asha are going to be really good friends. Asha needs to move away and Asha gets on the plane and goes to California. After that when Lani goes home, she gets a message from her conscience (played by me) and the conscience is basically telling one of the lessons. When I said you weren't going to get the lessons entirely, well this is what I mean. I guess we forgot to put in the extra lesson (or at least I think, you need to watch it for yourself).

The best moments were when Lani was trying to fake cry. It was hilarious watching and listening to Lani fake cry. She tried it twice. The first time was hilarious and the next one was pretty successful, but still kinda funny. When we were trying to make the fake tears, the water drops were going everywhere. When my team was watching what we had so far, and we saw Lani's face and heard her cry! The worst moments were when we were trying to focus the camera on the white board and half of all the pictures were blurry. So we had to redo the pictures. When we were trying to retake the pictures, something bad happened! When we were taking the pictures, Mr. Sandrel got a call from the SBAC people. Lani had to go and finish her SBAC test. SHE HAD TO BE IN THE SCENE!!! We just need her finger/hand so we used Meleana's finger/hand. Everything went okay after that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Animation Outtakes

So this part of the year is quarter 4 for school and as usual, we have another project for G.T. I think that this project is going to be somewhat fun because this project is all about animation. Before I can tell you about this project, I need to tell you all about my teammates. My first teammate is Lani Alo. Lani loves to surf. Lani is also really funny... Most of the time. Asha McGinnis is Lani's friend. Asha likes to swim. She is also really happy all the time. Meleana Keawe likes to go to the beach. Mele also has a really good personality that everybody likes. They are all the people on my team for my project.

Stop-Motion is when you take a series of pictures of a subject and every time you take a picture, you have to move the subject. when you are done taking pictures, you put them into imovie and put the pictures in order the way you want it. A .GIF is a repetitive stop-motion that goes over and over and over again. The bouncing ball up there is a .GIF. To make one, you go to Photoshop, put your windows into animation. Then draw what you want to do, then make your subject. Once you make the subject, click on the little button on the bottom that looks like the new layers buttons. Then move your subject and click the button again. Just keep on doing that and when you think your done, your done.

Our team is doing our story called "Asha Moves Away". This story is about a girl named Asha moves to Kauai and becomes BFF with Lani. They become such great friends after they meet. Then Lani gets the news that Asha is moving away. We are telling Lani's story because she had a best friend that moved away. This story is something we must care about because this is a very sad topic. our movie is supposed to teach that "If you love something, you must set it free." and "You have to learn to make new friends, even if the greater one has left. That's why we all decided to do our story on "Asha Moves Away".

Friday, April 10, 2015

Typography Images

Typography is the style of printed matter. Typography makes images an impact on photos by knowing who you really are because whatever the words on there represents you. For example, you are smart, responsible, and athletic. You put all those words on top of your picture and people will assume that you are those words. That's what you need to achieve when you are making your own typography photo. Once you've got your words you can start in Photoshop.

Probably my biggest challenge during this project was catching up to all my work because I'm part of a ukulele and choir program and they have this competition that's right before aping break. The bad part is also a good part in some way, but the competition is also in California. So at the beginning of 4th quarter, I asked my teacher "Can you tell me what to do?" and I asked other people what I was supposed to do next. I don't know if the final draft of me is okay because it's your choice if it looks like me and stuff. In my opinion, I don't like mine.

The first example of typography is of Steve Jobs. I chose Steve because my teacher said that we need to do an easy typography on an innovator. I also chose Steve because he made the future come true and made the iPhone. I would be dead if I didn't have phone! The second example is of my advisory teacher, Ms. Fujimoto, and I used her to make the intermediate typography.