Hello Everyone and welcome to a new blog post. Sadly, this post will be the last one for this school year. In our G.T. class we are doing a new and last project for the end of the school year. We will be creating a music video for our last project this school year. I am in a team of two. It's just me and Alaka'i. Last year when we did the music video, we chose a country song. So I thought this year "Let's do another one?" So this year we chose the song "
Big Green Tractor" by
Jason Aldean. In the song it talks about this guy wanting to have fun with this girl and they have fun. But since that is not "school appropriate" we decided to change our storyline. It is gonna be about these two friends and one of the friends wants to do everything but the other friend just wants to stay in his car. So then I show him my (Ala's) big green tractor (lawnmower) and he's really interested. When Ala is interested he rides the tractor and then he's finally having fun. This storyline still relates to the lyrics and is fun to watch.

Probably, My favorite fast-edit montage sequence is gonna be the part when we show off the tractor. I like this sequence because it was fun shooting and I like the way it was shot. I really like the shot types. We have a part of Ala on the lawnmower "burning rubba". Then we have a part while we were shooting the ending of the music video. It ended with me driving the lawnmower down the street while was walking next to me. As we were shooting it I "accidentally" drove away as fast as I could and in the background you could hear ala say "STOP!" That was funny. We also shot parts of Ala driving the lawnmower in the woods and in the pasture because those were the lyrics in the song. "Down through the woods, and out through the pasture." We thought that was really good.

This music vid showcases our best work because it shows high quality work such as audio and creative moving shot types. We also learned cool tools to use in photoshop to use for our final poster. I did the poster. It shows that we learned how to do a lot of stuff since day one of G.T. We also have well done shot types. We also learned how to balance our audio. If it wasn't for this G.T. class I wouldn't know this much about film-making. Well I would like to conclude this last blog post and say that I had a very fun school year this year. Goodbye and see you in the next blog post.
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