Portrait photography, which is also called portraiture, is a photograph of a person or group of people that shows expression, emotion, personality, and mood of the subject. You could show the photograph is usually the person's face, although the entire body and the background or context may be included. Portrait photography is related to
profile and
silhouetting because in the processing in making a portraiture, you need to take a picture of a profile picture then go to and in photoshop, you would need to silhouette the outside.

To make a double exposure, you'll need to take one sidewards profile picture of yourself, then two other pictures that symbolize who you are. Then you import the photos and all that stuff, then open photoshop, go to files, scripts, then load files into stack. Then click browse and find the files you want to use. Then after you press ok, you can mess around with the controls and make something very creative! You would want to make one because double or multi exposure can make other people know who and what kind of person you are.
The first photo shown is a profile photo of me and if you can see the two things that symbolizes me is a basketball going into the hoop and a mountain. The basketball represents that I play sports such as basketball. The mountain represents that I am strong. I put a mountain because mountains cannot be moved right? Mountains are STRONG enough to stay in one place. My photo could of been better if I added a little bit more space in my head for the basketball and hoop.
The second photo looks like there're a bunch of leaves and trees. Well they are. Mr. Sanderl said that we didn't really need to have a symbolic thing about us. Although, I could of make the yellow parts on my head, I could of erase the yellow part. The top is only yellow because I was in front of a green screen and when I used the dodge tool to make the background white, it made the background yellow. Well that's all. Goodbye.