C: Summarize biggest challenge & how to improve
Hello everyone and thank you for reading this weeks blog post. If you can already tell, this week's post is called Motivational Poster. The requirements of this project was to at least have our manifesto and our personal quotes in different text layers called Manifesto and Personal Quotes so we don't get mixed up. Then we would need 4 photos. The first three would be the three photos we posted on google+ called #gtsym1, #gtsym2, and #gtsym3. The last one would be of our face. Next we would copy and paste both Manifesto and Quotes in the text layers in photoshop. We would Kern them so they could fit the whole page like the top photo to the left. After, we would need to turn off the layers balance the 4 photos to fit the page. When your done with that,
turn on both text layers and double click one of them and make sure that
you adjust the text and make sure you turned on and adjust the drop
shadow, stroke, outer glow, bevel and emboss. Then do the same thing
with your other text layer. Make sure that your stroke is a triadic
color with your other text layer. To change the color
to match with the
text, Go to edit and go to adjustment layers and add Color Balance, Levels, Curves, and Exposure. And basically those are all the requirements for the motivational poster.

Then after, we must insert the three #gtsym from google+. Once you've inserted the three pictures from google+, then open your portrait with photoshop and put them together and visually balance them to look like what's to the left. After I wrote my Manifesto and quotes, I copied and pasted into two separate text layers in photoshop. Then turn off the pictures and Kern the quotes and manifesto to fit the page. Next change the
shadow, stroke, outer glow, bevel and emboss on the text and the stroke a triadic color with the other text. Then I added he adjustment layer to match with the text. And that's what I did to make my motivational poster.
My biggest challenge was the Kerning. When I was trying to change this one sentence, it would always go to a different place. If I could do this again, I would get the pictures ready and do the kerning better.
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